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Show Notes 73: AI Centric wearables with Phantom Technology’s Farbod Shakouri

Today’s episode is with Farbod Shakouri who is the Co-Founder and CEO at Phantom Technology, a Cambridge-based start-up elevating human capabilities with AI wearable technology.

Having spotted a trend of 3D graphics being used in applications other than games, Phantom Technology was founded in 2019 to improve the ‘contextual awareness’ issue with #AR which, in reality, is more of an AI problem.

The company is delivering high-end AR software for low-cost hardware, helping OEMs integrate Phantom OS into their products quickly and efficiently. Their special AI assistant called CASSI™ which has got the industry interested and we are expecting some significant announcements in the coming months.

Oh, and they chose to base themselves in Cambridge over Silicon Valley!

In this week's Tech News we have FlexEnable, 1Spatial, PwC Cambridge, Nu Quantum, Ignota Labs, Xampla and Breakthrough Properties

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