We talk to Rebecca Bekkenutte and Rosa del Campo Escudero of Locate Cambridge which is part of Growth Works. Locate Cambridge are doing great work to a) attract companies to set up in Cambridge, and b) to enable our Cambridge companies to expand here.
Considering ‘landing’ in Cambridge? Locate Cambridge works with companies investigating different locations for international expansion. They attract exciting companies from all over the world to Cambridge, creating high-value jobs in the region.
From early-stage companies looking for information to make informed decisions, to relocating from other parts of the UK, to supporting those in Cambridge with expansion, the team advise on everything from location to skills to funding by engaging with the right people in the ecosystem to help incoming businesses land and thrive.
If you are looking for access to talent, access to innovation/ partnerships, and access to capital - “Cambridge is a fantastic collaborative environment”. For more information email locate@growthworks.uk
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